Tuesday, July 1, 2014

It's a...

Yesterday morning we went to the doctor for the anatomy scan of baby #3. We decided to take the boys with us because they've been asking a lot of questions about the baby and have had a hard time understanding how I can already have pictures of the baby while it's still in my belly. So we all went to the doctor to see the baby and find out the gender.

The boys were super excited to go to the appointment and asked a lot of questions while we were there. Cameron was especially excited to hear the baby's heartbeat, which he said was the baby talking. He also stated that he saw the baby's teeth when we were looking at the spine. It was a very special time for us as a family!

First and foremost, we found out that the baby is healthy so far. There is always a sense of relief when we hear that everything appears to be fine, so we are very thankful to have received that news. 

However, it was also very exciting to find out that we are having a…


Going into the appointment, I was totally unbiased about the gender...I just wanted a healthy baby. I can honestly say that I would have been thrilled either way, but we are happy to have the opportunity to add a little girl to our family!

Cameron is very excited to have a baby sister coming and has enjoyed sharing the news with our families. However, Harrison seems to be in denial. He keeps insisting that the baby is a boy, but I'm sure he'll come around soon enough. The boys have both given some suggestions for names. Cameron thinks we should name the baby "Joey the Seal." I have NO idea where that came from, but he's pretty adamant about it. Harrison, on the other hand, thinks we should name the baby "Harrison Again." 

We love to see the boys so excited about this new addition and are having a great time discussing and experiencing all of this with them. They are going to be wonderful big brothers for this little one!


  1. Yay! So excited for you. You are welcome to borrow all my clothes. Liora was born November 14th so it is the same season. Cute announcement blog!

  2. That was the best post ever!!! What beautiful pictures and what beautiful news!!
