Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mother's Day 2016

Today is Mother's Day. I like Mother's Day because it helps me remember and reflect on how much my own mother has done for much she has taught me and how much I look up to her. She is a wonderful example of perseverance, patience, grace, and unconditional love for her children. She has been through so many things in her life, more than I can even imagine, but she still chooses joy. She is not perfect, but she has shown me how to be a better mom to my own children. I still ask her for advice all the time and am very thankful to have her in my life!

On this Mother's Day, I have three sweet babies here sleeping in their beds and one sweet little one in heaven that we never met. These children that God has given us are some of the greatest gifts I have ever received. I rarely feel worthy enough to have them in my life, even on my "good" mothering days. However, I love these precious ones and am extremely thankful for their love and grace as I try to figure out motherhood. I hope they know how much I love them. I hope they know that I am proud of them. I hope they know that God has a plan for their little lives. I hope they know that even on my not-so-good mothering days, I would still give up just about anything for them. I hope they know...

Today, I am specifically thinking about two friends who are missing their sweet children who were here with them one day, and gone the next. Both wonderful mothers, full of love and grace. Both mothers that I look up to. I pray for joy and peace as they navigate this day. I hope they know their sweet children are not forgotten and talked about often.

I felt very spoiled, and undeserving today as the kids (and Cole) took great care of me. They made me breakfast, gave me some thoughtful gifts, cleaned the whole terrace for me, and then went on a bike ride with me (one of my favorite things to do).

There is no way to describe how thankful I feel to have our kids in our life; to have the opportunity to be a mother to them. They make me smile, they make me laugh, they make me cry, and sometimes, they make me want to pull my hair out, but at the end of the day, they are one of life's greatest blessings. I hope they know!

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