Saturday, September 13, 2014

Artwork for Baby Girl

As we continue to prepare for the arrival of our little girl, we have been trying to decide how to decorate her room. Being a terrible decorator with little to no vision for how to make things look nice, I was, as usual, planning to do very little…some bedding, maybe a few pictures, but not much more. Seeing as this is Cole's first, and most likely only daughter, he seems to be a bit more inspired this time around. We met a very talented painter in our church a while back, so Cole decided to ask if he would come over to help the boys (and us) paint a picture for this her. 

This morning, the boys went with Eyram to a couple of art stores to get some supplies for the project. 

Once the boys were home with supplies, they got the house ready for a paint explosion!

Look at those dimples!!

After covering a good portion of the loft, the boys went to work. Eyram provided a little guidance in terms of mixing colors to make new colors, brush strokes, cleaning the brushes, etc. He was also very good at telling mom and dad (mostly mom) to let the boys work with whatever colors, brushes and tools, and in whatever ways they wanted to work. 

The painting took a lot of different twists and turns throughout the day. 

Eyran working his magic

Daddy got in on the action

Halfway done...

I decided to add a tiny bit to the painting as well

I wasn't really sure what to expect when we began, but I love that there is something distinctly unique in the picture from each one of us.  

All done!

He was very proud of the painting.

We are so excited to welcome this little girl into our family. The painting was made with lots of love just for her and we hope she will like it when she arrives!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Back to School!

Today was Cameron's first day of school. He has been very excited about this day for weeks, so he was ready from the moment we woke him up this morning…he literally jumped up and out of bed!

It was a day of sweet reunions with friends from last year. He hasn't seen most of them since the last day of school in June, so he was very happy to see some of his buddies again!

Cameron and his friend, Rikuto

Cameron's school moved to a new location this year. They now have space at an army complex in Gent. It's a bit daunting and cold when you walk in the complex, but they have made the school space nice and cozy for the kids. One nice perk…it's probably one of the safest schools in the city as you have to walk past a military guard and show a pass to get into the complex!

Playing with his friend, Matin 

Harrison really wanted to stay! 

In addition to changing the location of the school, Cameron also has a new teacher. Her name is Miss Inbal, from Israel. 

This year will be a little different for Cameron for a couple reasons. First of all, he is now one of the oldest kids in his class, so that, along with his jump start with English will make him more of a leader than he was last year. There are five returning students and five new students in his class, so hopefully he will be able to help the new ones adjust. Also, he is now going all day which is very exciting for him…highlight of the day for him…eating lunch with his friends! Cameron had a great first day and, although he will have to adjust to no naps in the afternoon, we are all looking forward to a great year!

Riding his bike home from school