New developments this month include sitting unassisted for a short time, rolling from belly to back, grabbing her feet, sleeping on her belly, and rice cereal.
Zoe likes to sit because she can better see what's going on around her. I had been working on sitting with her and she didn't seem to have much interest in it, but one day, she just did it! Now she really enjoys having a better vantage point. She discovered her feet last month, but she would just stare and them. This month she has really taken an interest in the feet. She holds onto them almost every time we lay her down.
Because Zoe can now roll from belly to back and back to belly, she is all over the place! She moves around like crazy without much stopping her. There are times I will leave the room for a bit and when I return, she will be somewhere completely different than where I left her! I have no idea how she does it, but she is on the move. Also because of the rolling, she now sleeps on her belly or side. She's pretty good at rolling both ways, but she occasionally still gets an arm caught under her when she tries to roll from belly to back.
We decided to start feeding Zoe some rice cereal a few weeks ago because she was getting a bit fussy in the evening and she was starting to wake up pretty early in the morning. She also started to really take an interest in any and all food that I was eating (staring and grabbing)! She was not a fan at first and is still a little resistant to eating, but since we started, the fussiness and early rising has gone away! She does have some work to do in the eating department. At the moment, she only eats probably half of what I make and spits the rest out or tries to make bubbles shooting food in every direction!
Some of Zoe's favorite things include snuggling, interacting with people, smiling, being held in the air, watching her brothers, playing with her toys, sleeping with a blanket, holding onto anything within reach, and putting everything in her mouth. She really likes to get attention. As I said before, she loves when people interact with her and usually has a smile for anyone who will say hello. But even when I'm feeding her, if I look away, talk to someone else, or get distracted, she will often stop and look at me with her big blue eyes until I pay attention to her again. It's very sweet! Some of her dislikes include being in her carseat and people wiping her nose.
Although Zoe is rolling, moving like crazy and also doing great with tummy time, she is not showing any signs of or interest in crawling. At the moment, she is content with rolling.
At six months, Zoe weighs 15.8 lbs (7.2 kg, 42.9%) and is 26 inches long (66 cm, 53 %). She's still on a three hour eating schedule during the day. We will probably start adding more solids in the next couple weeks.
I feel a little bit like a broken record when I talk about Zoe's demeanor. She is still so easy going and happy. She talks or giggles occasionally, but otherwise, is still really happy and quiet. The only times she gets upset and cries are when she's either tired or hungry or we have gone too long without talking to her. Otherwise, she is so happy and sweet as can be.
I thought she might be getting some teeth because she's been drooling and biting, but there are still no teeth poking through. She still has pretty much no hair, but it's starting to come in a tiny bit. I can't really tell the color yet...Cole thinks it will be blonde, but I think it looks a little more brown. We'll see...hopefully soon! :)
Although we had a short period where Zoe was waking earlier than normal, she has since gone back to her normal schedule usually sleeping from 7:00 or 7:30pm until 7:30 or 8:00am the next day. She usually takes one long nap during the day and then a couple other shorter naps. I mentioned earlier that Zoe likes to sleep with a blanket. Just like mommy, she really likes to hold a blanket right at her chest to sleep. If I give her a blanket when she's fussy and having a hard time falling asleep, it almost immediately calms her down and she is able to fall asleep.
I mentioned last month that Harrison had started to take quite an interest in Zoe. That is still true. He has really started interacting with her, asking to hold her, and giving her hugs and kisses. I love to see him talking with her and snuggling. He can be a little rough with her sometimes, but it's really sweet to see him love on her. Cameron is still a big help. He also loves to talk to Zoe, sit with her, sing to her and tells her stories.
Here are some pictures from the last month
What are you looking at? |
First time trying rice cereal
Zoe met a friend this month who was born on the same day in the same hospital as her. He makes her look tiny!
Another try
A rare upset moment
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Snuggling with a blanket |