A few months ago, we learned that Cole's assignment here is coming to an end and we will be returning home this summer. While we have always known that our assignment could end at any time, I was still surprised when we received the news. For the majority of our time here, we have been uncertain of when we would go home...sometimes we were told six months, other times, two more years. So, while I have always known this assignment would come to an end, it has still been difficult for me to process. We love it here. We love the people we have met here. We love our church here. We love the school here. At the same time, we love those things about home as well! When we are here, we are happy. When we are home, we are happy. While that's a very good problem to have, it's still a bit confusing for all of us.
We have spent the last few weeks trying to prepare ourselves for the move home. We've been looking for a place to live when we move home, trying to find a school for the kids, making arrangements for moving our things home, selling items we don't need or can't use at home, and trying to spend as much time as possible with our friends here in Belgium. There are so many emotions through all of this. When we left to come to Belgium, we were sad to leave our friends and family and we have missed them tremendously, but I always knew we would go back. These goodbyes are different. I don't know if and/or when I will see these people who have become dear friends. Again, this is a good problem to have, but it's still difficult.
As I said before, the goodbyes have already begun. Even though we have a few more weeks before we actually fly home, we've already seen some good friends for the last time. Our church family in Gent gave us a going away party, much like the one our church family back home gave us before we came to Belgium. These people have been such a blessing to us; they have welcomed us with open arms and have invested in our lives and the lives of our children. It was nice to spend a few hours with them talking, laughing, crying, reminiscing, and reading through a book of pictures and memories that they created for us.
Mariale, Inge, and Gislene |
Looking through the book they prepared for us |
Willem and Inge |
Christine, Melissa, Naomi, Bianca, and Faith |
Andrew and Jacob |
Dear friends! |
Gislene and Antonio |
Grace and Kasun |
Mariale and Pieter |
Since we don't currently have a house (or anywhere to live) back home...
Gislene and Mariale - the party organizers |
Now that this is very official (our tickets home have been purchased), time is flying by. We are trying to soak up every last minute we have here, but I can feel the time slipping away. As we say goodbye to friends, as we begin to sell our things and organize for packing, as we think about leaving this beautiful city, it doesn't feel real. I'm not sure it will completely sink in that we are not coming back after the summer until we actually don't come back. I am bracing myself for the crazy emotions and ups and downs that are sure to come with this move. I have read enough stories about repatriating to know that this transition won't be easy, but we are very lucky to be going back to supportive friends and family, a great church, and a secure job situation. Until then, we will try our best to enjoy these last moments in Gent!