Monday, September 2, 2013

First Day of School!

Today was Cameron's first day of school. I wasn't sure what to expect from any of us today because we have been through a range of emotions the last couple weeks...from excited to nervous, Cole, Cameron, and I have all felt it. I tried to be prepared so I wouldn't be stressed out this morning. We went to the store to get an outfit for today last week (Cameron helped), purchased all the necessary supplies (there weren't that many), made a couple practice runs to the school by bike and by car so we would be prepared, and last night, I packed his snack, extra clothes, and set everything out for the morning. We all got up early to eat breakfast, get dressed, and take a few pictures. The morning went well! Here are some pictures from the morning. Please excuse the crazy amount of pictures! :)

We left early so we could be sure to make it to school on time...and take a few more pictures! 

We got to school in plenty of time!

Standing on the stairs at school
Cameron's teacher, Corine

Cameron immediately started playing
I was doing well holding it together until Cameron sat down, gave me a big hug, and said, "Mommy, I'm going to miss you when you leave." I got a little teary eyed and told him that I would miss him too, but that I would be back in a couple hours to get him. Thankfully, he went back to playing and did not have any trouble when we left.

It was strange, and very quiet on the way home. Harrison has moments when he can be rowdy, but Cameron is the leader of the wild man club and usually initiates the fun and noise in our house. Once we were home, Harrison and I didn't know what to do! We decided to go to the store to get some groceries. I didn't think about it until I was in the store, but I didn't have my little helper pulling the cart, so it was more difficult than normal! Don't get me wrong, I am happy to be able to have a couple hours a day to spend with Harrison alone, but it will take some getting used to!

Needless to say, Harrison and I were very excited to go pick Cameron up when the morning session was over.
Waiting for Cameron
Cameron came running out with a huge smile on his face and gave me a great big hug when he saw me! It was the best feeling to know that he had a great time at school, but also that he was happy to see us and come home! :)

I talked with Cameron's teacher and the Headmaster and they both said that Cameron did great. They said he didn't have any problems being there and that he had a nice time!

Heading home!
When we asked him about his day at lunch, Cameron told us that he had fun and that he played with trains and blocks. He also told us that he played tennis and on the train outside, and that he sang songs in the classroom. That was about all I could get out of him. After his nap, he started doing what looked like yoga moves on the floor. When I asked where he learned to do that, he said at school. I don't know for sure when he's telling me the truth because he also answered "yes" when we asked if he studied physics today! :) Either way, we're happy that he was happy!
Cole and I are thankful for this opportunity for Cameron. Although it's hard to let go and trust others to watch over and protect our sweet boy, we think this is going to be a positive experience for all of us! We look forward to seeing what's ahead!

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