This post is a bit late as we were traveling when Zoe turned four months. Zoe had a big month with lots of developments and fun. She is officially turning over from her back to belly (and working hard to figure out how to turn from her belly to her back), she's starting to babble more and more, she took her first plane ride (a doozy at 9 hours long), and met many friends and family for the first time (I'll write more about our trip home at another time).
Zoe still loves to interact with and smile at people. She is happiest when someone is talking to her. Even if she can't be held, she would rather be around others or where she can see others rather than by herself.
Zoe has started really grabbing things and putting them in her mouth. She also routinely tries to shove her entire fist in her mouth, usually causing some gagging. Really, most everything goes in her mouth these days.
She getting stronger all the time. She can now sit in her bumbo seat for a while and is also doing well with tummy time (although it's not one of her favorite activities). At her last doctor appointment, she weighed 12.6 lbs (5.720kg, 27.4%), and was 23.2 inches long (59 cm, 18.3%).
Zoe continues to be an easy going baby. She still eats every three hours or so during the day and sleeps from 10-12 hours at night. Although she is "talking" a bit more now, she remains super quiet and relaxed unless she is hungry (she'll let you know!!), tired, or has a dirty diaper.

When she's tired, she prefers to lay down to sleep. She still lets me snuggle with her sometimes when she's tired, but for the most part, lay her down where we are, and she'll sleep. Even though she can sleep pretty much anywhere, at this point, she still has to be swaddled in order to take long naps or sleep through the night. Her binks are also essential when tired.
Zoe loves her brothers and they love her too. She loves to watch them and especially likes when they talk or sing to her!
Here are some pictures from the last month.
Rolling over!
She looks so much like Daddy! <3