Zoe turned five months old today! We've had a great month with some fun developments.
Some of the fun developments from the month include starting to sit while assisted, grabbing and swatting at things, the discovery of her feet (looking, not touching), more expressions and reactions, rolling all over the place, and my personal favorite, full fledged giggling.
I mentioned before that Zoe is grabbing and swatting at things. She really likes her activity mat and the hanging toys on there. She still loves to put pretty much everything within her reach in her mouth. However, she has moved from trying to shove her entire fist in her mouth to just a few fingers at a time.
Zoe's doing great with tummy time, sitting while assisted, and rolling, although she still can't figure out how to get from her tummy to her back which makes her pretty mad.
At five months, Zoe now weighs 14 lbs (6.4kg, 25.7%) and is 25 in long (63.5 cm, 41.9%). She's still eating every three hours during the day with no signs yet that she is in need of more food.
Although Zoe is still pretty easy going, I think she has become more vocal over this past month. I like to say that she can get mouthy when she's hungry or tired. There was about a week this past month where she was "talking" during pretty much all her waking hours. Between that and the boys, I thought I was going to loose my mind! However, she has since gone back to her normal, quiet self for the most part. We have also noticed that she can be a bit dramatic when she's trying to get our attention. If we don't respond quickly enough, her wails and moans will take a turn for the pathetic/dramatic. She loves to smile (with her whole body) and interact with anyone who will pay attention. Dislikes include being tired, hungry, wet or dirty diapers, and her car seat.
Sleep was a bit of an issue during this past month. We're not really sure why, but Zoe started waking up really early in the morning, usually between 4:00 and 6:00 for a couple weeks. She didn't need to eat, but if we gave her a bink, she would go back to sleep. Just when she got back to her normal 12 hour sleeping pattern, she started rolling over in her crib making swaddling her dangerous. So we have now started to leave her unswaddled which gives her freedom to safely roll all over her crib. It is definitely more difficult for her to fall asleep, but after the first night (which was rough), she has been doing much better.
Harrison in particular has taken more of an interest in Zoe this month. He keeps laying beside her, or sometimes over her, with his hands on her face saying, "hi Zoe, it's Harrison the big brother." He's also started to enjoy playing with her arms and legs, swinging them back and forth, and talking or singing to her. She, of course, loves this. They are great helpers as they like the help with feeding her, bathing her, and getting toys or things she needs. I can also convince them to help me by getting their competitive juices flowing...asking who can get a diaper faster, etc.
Below are pictures from the last month.
Family nap! |

Happy five months Zo bug!
You have some really great shots! I like the one of her looking surprised and the one of her chewing her dress. I had already forgotten about that jacket. I like to see it again. I have some headbands I thought you might want to use. L doesn't leave them in anymore...