Harrison was an unexpected blessing for us! Unexpected in that we were not trying to have a baby when I got pregnant! Cameron was 13 months old, I had just stopped nursing him and had a little more flexibility in my life, and we were just getting plugged in at church. We were, and still are, completely in love with Cameron and life was good! I will never forget that day when the morning sickness hit...I had terrible morning sickness with Cameron for almost 16 weeks, so I knew what it was!! I told Cole that I thought I was pregnant and should take a test. We were both a little shocked and tried to deny it, but went to get a pregnancy test anyways. Long story short, I ended up taking seven or eight pregnancy tests over the course of two weeks before I got a positive test. I'm not sure why it took so long to say that I was pregnant, but I just knew I was...the symptoms were too clear! The day I got the positive pregnancy test was the same day that Cole and I were supposed to go away for the weekend to spend a couple days together without Cameron. I had been nervous for weeks to leave Cameron, but I was even more of an emotional wreck now that I also knew I was pregnant! We had a wonderful time together and celebrated the many blessings that we had been given, including this new miracle! Cameron also had an amazing time with my sister and brother-in-law, Jessi and Jack. I was excited, nervous, and scared all at the same time. I was scared because I had had a miscarriage before we had Cameron and was devastated. I was nervous because this was not at all planned and, although we wanted more children, we were not planning to have them quite so close together. But despite all this, we were both excited. We decided to tell Jessi and Jack our news right away, but waited to tell others until I was a little further along. We also made the decision that we would not find out if we were having a boy or a girl this time around.
I had a difficult first trimester with morning sickness and a rowdy toddler to care for, but I was not alone and had so much help from friends and family. The remainder of my pregnancy was relatively easy, but I had a crazy busy baby inside of me. He was constantly moving and kicking me. I didn't think it was possible to have a more active baby in my belly than Cameron was, but Harrison did it. Once I started to feel Harrison move, I had a feeling that I was having another boy. I don't think Cole felt too strongly one way or the other.
I started having contractions on a hot morning in May...May 3rd to be exact. Cameron and I decided we would go to the park and play. We had such a nice day and I have wonderful memories of our last time playing together just the two of us. We packed a picnic and also bought some ice cream! Although it was nice, it was also difficult because I was having contractions, but they were pretty sporadic. I knew I was heading towards having the baby. May 4th, the contractions started to become more regular. By the afternoon, I was having contractions every 8-10 minutes apart....painful, but not painful or close enough to head to the hospital. Instead, I had my sister, Jessi, come over to help me out. Funny story about this day. We had decided to go outside and play for a while with Cameron. We set up chairs and let Cameron run around. At some point, he ran inside to get something to drink. In the process, he somehow locked himself in the house!!!!! I was FREAKING OUT! I was clearly in labor and my child was locked in the house!! After several minutes of trying to tell him how to unlock the door, I remembered that he knew how to use the garage door opener. I told him to go in the garage and into the car to open the garage door. Luckily it worked because, by this time, the contractions were getting worse and closer together! Once I had Cameron safely in my arms, we decided that I needed to get a little something to eat and then rest because the baby was coming! Cole went to get dinner for us and, by the time he got back, my contractions were strong enough that I had to stop whatever I was doing to get through them! Once we put Cameron to bed that night, I knew we would be going to the hospital before the morning. Cole and I laid in bed and he rubbed my back and helped me though the contractions that were coming every 5 minutes or so! Around 9:30, my water broke! I jumped out of bed and told Cole that we needed to head to the hospital! We called Jessi and she came back to stay with Cameron for the night. I should insert here that I was induced with Cameron and ended up having an emergency c-section, so this was all new and exciting for me! Anyways, after 12 hours or so at the hospital, it was time to push. Our sweet Harrison was born at 10:58 am, perfect as could be!

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best buddies |
I could go on for days talking about my children! I just wanted to end by saying that these two boys have been one of the greatest blessings and challenges that he have ever had. God's timing is perfect and, even though we weren't planning for Harrison, he has been the perfect addition to our family.
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