Thursday, June 27, 2013

A Blast from the Past

Two weekends ago we had the opportunity to host a friend of mine (Lindsey) and her husband (Luke) here at our loft. I have known Lindsey for at least 15 years, if not longer. I can't remember the first time we met, but you get the's been a long time. Anyways, so my fondest memories of Lindsey are from when I was playing volleyball in high school. We would go to a volleyball tournament every year in the town where her family lived and the team would stay at her family's houses for the two day event. Even though Lindsey is three years younger than me, we always had a special connection...we always got along and I looked forward to seeing her whenever the opportunity arose. I tried to find some pictures of the two of us back in the day, but this was a time before cell phones and digital cameras (hard to believe, I know) I don't have any pictures on my computer of the two of us.

Lindsey and Luke had the opportunity to travel through Europe for about a month and decided the make a stop in Gent to see us (and Gent). I hadn't seen Lindsey since our wedding almost eight years ago, so I didn't know what to expect. Since then, she has graduated from college, gotten married, and is now working, and I now have two babies! A lot has gone on since I last saw her. Needless to say, she is still the wonderful person I remember. She has grown into such a beautiful young woman and is just as fun as I remember her to be. Since Gent was one of the last stops on their month long journey, the visit was pretty mellow. Of course we took them to get belgian waffles (twice) and chocolates, but other than that, we just had a nice time catching up and getting to know Luke. I'm thankful that Lindsey is a friend who will forever be good to see and catch up with no matter how long it's been since we've seen each other. I'm kicking myself because I didn't get any pictures of us while they were here, but I'm so thankful that they decided to add Gent to their itinerary.

Next visitors...JESSI AND JACK!!! :)

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